Tune: When Johnny Comes Marching Home
( 4 measure introduction)
An ar-ti-cle is just ve-ry lit-tle
That is true.
But it has a job that
O-ther parts of speech can't do.
These three ver-y lit-tle words can be found
Al-ways right in the front of a noun.
They are a , an , the
The words that we al-ways sound.
They are a , an , the
The words that we al-ways sound.
The al-ways points to a
Def-i-nite per-son, place, or thing.
The boy, the book, the desk,
The fin-ger, and the ring.
The is a ver-y fine, use-ful word.
Al-ways use it cor-rect-ly sir,
Us-ing a , an , the
The words that we al-ways sound.
Us-ing a , an , the
The words that we al-ways sound.
When do we use such ar-ti-cles as a and an?
In-def-i-nite words will al-ways need a dif'-rent plan.
a cow on the far-m, an oc-to-pus,
Watch for the vow-el and con-so-nant plus
Use an a ,or an
The words that we al-ways sound.
Use an a ,or an
The words that we al-ways sound.
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Thanks to Bill Basham for the use of the midi.