A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses (sentences) together.
Some conjunctions are and, or and but .

Examples of the use of conjunctions:

We ate spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
The children run and play at recess.
We can go to the park or we can attend a movie.
I would like to to go with you but I cannot.

Music notes
Learn a song about conjunctions .

Conjunction Crossword Puzzle

981636: Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: 180 Daily Teaching Lessons, Grade 8 Teacher Text Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: 180 Daily Teaching Lessons, Grade 8 Teacher Text
By Dr. Wanda C. Phillips / Isha Enterprises, Inc.

This teacher's guide accompanies the Easy Grammar Ultimate Grade 8 Student Workbook. Concepts are set up in a cyclical method to enhance mastery, providing built-in review. Classroom reproducible student pages are included (the same pages that are in the student worktext), with line-listed answers in the back. 180 Days included. Softcover.

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Noun Page

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Verb Page

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Pronoun Page

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Adjective Page

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Adverb Page

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Preposition Page

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Object of
the Preposition

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Conjunction Page

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Article Page

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Thanks to Bill Basham for the use of the midi.