Tune: When the Saints Go Marching In
( 8 measure introduction)

Look at the phrase,
Pre-po-si-tion-al phrase
It tells us where some-thing can be .
O-ver the hill, un-der the sea-ee.
Learn the words,
Prep-po-si-tions for me.

Look at the phrase,
Pre-po-si-tion-al phrase,
Come on let's learn, a lit-tle more.
Out-side the house, a-gainst the do-or.
By the sink, or on the floor.

Look at the phrase,
Pre-po-si-tion-al phrase,
Come learn with me as more we sing.
A-round the park, up-on the sw-ing,
Be-side the lake a lunch we bring.

Look at the phrase,
Pre-po-si-tion-al phrase,
At school we learn with-out de-lay.
Dur-ing our stay, and while at play-ay,
The teach-er helps through-out the day.

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Adjective Page

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Adverb Page

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Preposition Page

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Object of
the Preposition

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Conjunction Page

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Article Page

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Thanks to Bill Basham for the use of the midi.