Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Sol-id or li-quid or gas?
A sol-id has weight, takes up space,
Has a cer-tain shape.
Li-quid has weight, takes up space,
But con-forms to the ves-sel in which it is put.
So a sol-id and li-quid
Look dif-f'rent to me.
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Sol-id or li-quid or gas?
A gas is in-vis-i-ble, but we can prove
It has weight, takes up space,
Have you seen a bal-loon filled with gas,
Where the mol-e-cules spread and they spread
In-to all of the spa-ces you see?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Sol-id or li-quid or gas?
So mat-ter is an-y-thing that takes up space,
And a sol-id can be ver-y hea-vy or light
And a li-quid can change in-to so-lid and back a-gain.
Gas-es will float in the air
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Sol-id or li-quid or gas?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Oh, dear, what can this mat-ter be?
Sol-id or li-quid or gas?
Verse 3 written by Kim Vaughn, homeschool teacher who made the video below.
"Properties of Matter" on You Tube. 8 year old Gage Vaughan singing
Sing along with Gage!