One day, when I
insisted on knowing whether he would permit
me to purchase myself, and what price I must
pay for myself, he turned to me in a petulant
manner, thrust his hand into his pocket, drew
forth a bright silver quarter of a dollar, and proffering
it to me, said :
" Lizzie, I have told you often not to trouble
me with such a question. If you really wish to
leave me, take this : it will pay the passage of
yourself and boy on the ferry-boat, and when you
are on the other side of the river you will be
free. It is the cheapest way that I know of to
accomplish what you desire."
I looked at him in astonishment, and earnestly
replied : " No, master, I do not wish to be free
in such a manner. If such had been my wish, I
should never have troubled you about obtaining
your consent to my purchasing myself. I can
cross the river any day, as you well know, and
have frequently done so, but will never leave you
in such a manner. By the laws of the land I am
your slave you are my master, and I will only
be free by such means *as the laws of the country
provide." He expected this answer, and I knew
that he was pleased. Some time afterwards he
told me that he had reconsidered the question ;
that I had served his family faithfully ; that I deserved
my freedom, and that he would take
$1200 for myself and boy.
This was joyful intelligence for me, and the reflection
of hope gave a silver lining to the dark
cloud of my life faint, it is true, but still a silver lining.