May your fountain be blessed,
and may you rejoice
in the wife of your youth.
Proverbs 5:18

We honor those who have celebrated
50 years of marriage.
My parents, Jay and Vera Griffin, were married for nearly 61 years. He was a farmer and she was a homemaker and an artist. Read their story here.
Shortly before she died she completed an autobiography called Reminiscings.
See also Paintings by Vera Griffin.
My in-laws, Vernon and Jettie, the parents of my late husband Hollis, were married for 62 years. He was a farmer and she was a homemaker. You can read her story here.
Click the picture for a larger view. Hollis is the younger son. They also had a daughter, Mary Lea who was the oldest child.
Married July 29, 1938 in Dallas, Texas
They have one son and two grandchildren.
We attribute our long-lasting marriage to
seriously observing our marriage vows
and living a Christian life,
associating with other Christians
and always being thoughtful of each other.
Words of wisdom:
Plan your living expenses.
Never spend more than you have coming in.
Never use credit unless you know how and when you can pay it.
Oren is deceased and Marjorie lives in a retirement center.
The first picture was made July 31, 1938, and the second in 1988 on their Golden Wedding Anniversary
Click to enlarge.
Married December 26, 1932
in Nacogdoches, Texas
They have two children, five grandchildren,
and two great-grandchildren.
"Our marriage has lasted so long because we love each other
with all our heart, the same as we did 66 years ago."
Carrie says,"As far as I know, I married the very best man
in all this world. 'I couldn't love another'."
When their boys were eight and two years old, Carrie's mother
became ill with tuberculosis. Carrie went to care for her and after
her mother's death from the disease, she herself became ill.
The doctor told her that she would have to go to a sanatorium
to recover.
At that time there was no medicine for a cure and no prevention.
Carlton's mother kept the boys in Nacogdoches, Carlton stayed in Houston and worked,
and she rode the train to Sanatorium, Texas near San Angelo in west Texas.
Complete bed rest was her only hope. For three months there was no
improvement. Each person had a private room and she spent her days reading,
listening to the radio, and writing letters to Carlton. She still has the letters
they wrote to each other during that time.
Many people died, both children and adults. Every time someone died,
a siren was sounded.
Carlton rode the bus to see her every few months, and after nine months,
the doctors said she could go home. While riding the bus back to Houston,
they stopped to eat and Carlton put a quarter in the juke box at the diner.
He told her there was a song he wanted her to hear.
The words to the song were, "When my blue moon turns to gold again,
you'll be back within my arms to stay.". They cried as they listened to the song.
They arrived home on their oldest son's birthday. She was afraid her 2 year old
would not remember her, but when he saw her, he said,
"I know who you are. You're my mommy."
Those were the sweetest words she could hear.
Carrie says those were really rough times, but she could feel the presence
of the Lord with her, and that gave her the strength to get through.
Words of wisdom:
Make sure you love each other with all your
heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Carlton and Gussie are both deceased, but remembered lovingly by friends and family.
Married March 18, 1949 now live in Mesquite, Texas at the
Christian Care Center.
They have six children and six grandchildren.
They attribute their long lasting marriage to God's providence
and His grace.
Fred says, "God brought this girl to me, and she's the
greatest gift I have."
Words of Wisdom
"When you make a commitment, stay together through
'thick and thin'. Pray together in one another's hearing."
The earlier picture was made March 18, 1949 on their wedding day,
and the other in 1999 at the celebration of their Golden Wedding Anniversary
When Fred and Ruth married, her uncle didn't "give her away". He entrusted
her care and keeping to Fred to love, honor, and cherish. Ruth had lost her
parents when she was young and Fred felt a special need to protect her.
Fred laughingly states that when he was in his mid-twenties, his mother
tried to auction him off to a room full of girls. Ruth was in the room at the time,
but neither she nor any other girls "bid" on him. His mother was very discouraged.
She wanted him to marry because she wanted to become a grandmother.
After they did marry, they had seven children. Ruth wanted to go back
to teaching, but Fred wanted her to stay at home. Her mother-in-law was like
a mother to her, and with her help Ruth was able to get a teaching certificate
and started teaching. Eight months later, Fred was laid off from his job.
They feel that it was by the providence of God that they were able to take
care of their family.
Ruth had a stroke when they had been married for 40 years. She now has limited
use of her body and cannot speak, but she has a sweet, ready smile. For about a year and
a half Fred suffered from depression, which he was able with the Lord's help to
overcome. He decided to start counting his blessings instead of looking at the
things that were wrong. " Ruth had taken care of me and the family for 40 years,
and now it was time for me to care for her for the next 40."
Ruth's health began to improve when Fred began to pray aloud in her presence for
God to bless her and heal her, and he thanked God as her health as well as
his own began to improve.
Ruth and Fred are both deceased.
Married in 1945, now live in Birmingham, Alabama.
They have two sons and four grandchildren.
Pete's secret to marital longevity is in not taking the easy way out
by divorce,
respecting each other's differences and privacy,
and giving each other plenty of slack.
Daisy's is love, grit, and determination.
Married March 27, 1937 in Washington D.C.
They have two children, six grandchildren,
and five great-grandchildren.
"We attribute our long marriage to the realization
that we had made a vow to God, and to each other,
and we intended to keep it!
We ask God daily to lead us and guide us in His way."
"Our words of wisdom to the young are
to find a God fearing partner with whom you are compatible,
love this individual and cooperate with him or her,
and work together to make your marriage a success,
looking to God daily to guide you and help you."
Mildred and Ray are from small towns in Alabama,
Mildred from Red Level and Ray from McKenzie.
But, when Ray and Mildred married in 1937, he was stationed in
Quantico, Virginia, with the U.S. Marine Corps.
Mildred, the daughter of a single-again schoolteacher,
had to leave her mother and ride a train alone all the way to
Washington D.C., about a 24-hour trip.
Even though their income was small, her mother saw to it
that Mildred had a new suit to wear for the wedding,
and she carried a Checkerboard Cake with her for a wedding cake.
Mildred met a lady on the train who was a little worried that Ray
would not be there as promised, and she refused to leave Mildred's side
until she saw that Ray did come.
They were married in the home of a preacher in Washington
with two friends from Alabama (then living in Washington)
as their attendants, and they honeymooned in D.C.
They lived in Quantico for the next 16 months before returning to
Alabama to live when Ray was discharged from the Marines.
Ray retired from Litton Industries in 1972.
He served as an elder in the Central Church of Christ
for about 30 years and Mildred served as a Sunday School teacher
for about 45 years.
Ray is deceased and Mildred lives with her daughter Barbara Luster.
William (Bill) Robert Kohrdt
(Born 1916-Passed 2002)
and Mary Kohrdt
(Born 1919-Passed 2005)
These wonderful people were happily married for over 65 years. They were both strongly religious, and shared the mutual belief of our Lord and Savior always. Life was hard on them during many points, but their love and faith got them through it all until a ripe old age. I know that they now reside in Heaven with the Lord our God,together, and that their love for each other is just as strong, and will be...for eternity.
They leave behind 9 Children, 3 Grandchildren, and 13 Great-Grandchildren. We are honored for the opportunity to have spent the short time that we had with them, and we will carry their memory in our hearts forever.
Love you Grandpa and Grandma! - Andy & Lesley
So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined
together, let man not separate.
Matthew 19:6
