One learns people through the heart, not the eyes
or the intellect.
These thoughts are taken from the book Here a Little and There a Little. The author is Pauline Cain Hatcher. Often when we try to grasp something we need to pay attention. At the time, the subject may be too deep in meaning and difficult for us to understand. Some people might grasp the meaning easier than others. Everyone needs to pay closer attention. |
On day these religious leaders picked a quarrel with
our Lord. Christ's
disciples had plucked some ears of corn and rubbed them between their
hands. According to Pharisaic interpretation, to rub an ear of corn is
a kind of threshing, and, as it is very wrong to thresh on the Sabbath
day, therefore it must be wrong to rub out an ear or two of wheat when
you are hungry on the Sabbath morning. That was their argument. They
brought their version of the law to the Lord.
Have you ever noticed a worm? A piece of wormwood
shows the
diligence of the worm. We should be as the worm, boring our way into
the innermost studies of the word of God.
When Philip asked the Ethiopian eunuch whether he understood the prophecy of Isaiah he replied, " How can I, unless some man should guide me? " Then Philip went up and opened to him the word of the Lord. This is found in Acts 8:27-33. |
When we read the words in the Bible, but don't take
the time to search it, we are not following the commandments of God.