Honesty can preserve society. Micah was unable to find anywhere in the land an upright person, found in Micah 7: 1-20. Today, an honest, upright person with integrity is hard to find. So many times society will rationalize sin. Often Christians will compromise Christian principles just so they can get things the way they want them. How easy it is when we convince ourselves that it's alright to do the things everyone else is doing. We may try to participate in it. Slowly, we might break down our barrier and go with the crowd. But, we know that God has the highest standards. People around us might not always want to live up to God's standards. Since God is truth, we are honest, and are to imitate Jesus. |
Trust is bred by honesty. Those who have a reputation
for lying or
exaggerating many times can't get someone to believe them on their word
alone. A Christian should never be like that. If you are always honest,
others will believe you when you simply say yes or no.
The book of Psalms speaks directly to our lives. Its
patterns of
relationship can guide you and me in our prayer lives. Hebrew poetry is
not designed as much to communicate information as it is designed to
share the inner life and the feelings of its writers. This is a very
important characteristic of the book of Psalms. It is very important to
us, providing a dynamic aspect of divine revelation.
The Lord God always tells the truth, and He wants us to follow His example. When you tell the truth you are showing others that you realize that truth any day is better than a falsehood or lie. Speaking the truth is a sure way to build friendship and trust among others. Telling the truth is something that we should do without thinking. Also when you don't tell the truth, it is as a play where you need to remember each line. |
Many times people get entangled in their lies. They
forget exactly
what they have said and in what order it was said. There is a phrase:
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."
How true that statement is!
Honesty is the best policy - but not the
No legacy is so rich as honesty.