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Free Children's Bible Songs
Thank you for this great resource!
Sharps and Flats
nice .
khim reboja
Amelia Earhart
im a sixth grade :) from philippines xD im reaserching about amelia from 2 years!! Its so *** hard.....
william fung
Creation of the World Song
this song is great for my Sunday School Class because we started the Creation all the way to Adam and Eve. They are going to sing this in front of the church, but they don't know it yet.. Thanks
Melissa Vess
Frederick Douglass
We recently produced a documentary film telling the story of Frederick Douglass and the Irish:

Frederick Douglass and the White Negro
(Writer/Director John J Doherty)
Frederick Douglass and the White Negro is a documentary telling the story of ex-slave, abolitionist, writer and politician Frederick Douglass and his escape to Ireland from America in the 1840s. The film follows Douglass' life from slavery as a young man through to his time in Ireland where he befriended Daniel O'Connell, toured the country spreading the message of abolition and was treated as a human being for the first time by white people. His arrival in Ireland coincided with the Great Famine and he witnessed white people in what he considered to be a worse state than his fellow African Americans back in the US. The film follows Douglass back to America where he buys his freedom with funds raised in Ireland and Britain. Fellow passengers on his return journey include the Irish escaping the famine who arrive in their millions and would go on to play a major role in the New York Draft Riot of 1863 which Douglass could only despair over. The film examines the turbulent relationship between African Americans and Irish Americans during the American Civil War, what drew them together and what drove them apart and how this would shape the America of the twentieth century and beyond. The film includes contributions from Noel Ignatiev based on his book How the Irish Became White and has been broadcast on Irish national television prompting substantial press coverage often in relation to the rise of Barack Obama.
Camel Productions Press pack & DVD copies available at
Louis Pasteur
it's useful in our life thanks for sharing
pravin sharma
This site has truely been a blessing to me I teach summer camp and the lessons have made my task so much easier and exciting for the kids to learn about the bible. Thank You for your gifted talents to produce a web page for God's people.
Helen Keller
John Adams
What?! Jefferson and Adams died on the same day, which just happens to be the anniversary of our country, by means of a document which not only did they both sign, but Jefferson was the writer of and Adams got him to write it! Wow, death is sad but that's just weird lol
Keyboard and Music Theory
I just d/l this material, thank you for this service
Chord Progressions
I will definitely try this. thank you so much!
Bible Based Spelling Lessons
thank you so much for putting this all together, it is exactly what I have been looking for!
Bass Lines
Very helpful page! A lot of people play off tabs but it's really nice to be able to read the notes off the bass clef. Thanks!
Song of Joseph and His Brothers
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful song with us so we can teach the children about God, how to praise and worship him.
We are teaching about Nicodemus in VBS tomorrow - thank you for your site - it has been really helpful!
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
amazing! your site has been a tremendous blessing to us here at our local church in Seoul, South Korea. We appreciate God's gift upon your life and ministry.
Elder Henry and Missionary Gloria Nwaobi
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
Great ideas! What talented and dedicated teachers.
George Washington
"He served for two terms; 8 years, as president. The people wanted him to run for a third term, but he said, "No", and went back to the plantation.

He later returned and became Commander in Chief of the Army"

According to my history, he was Commander in Chief while he was President. Why would he return after serving two terms as Commander in Chief to become Commander in Chief of the Army? Otherwise, it great history for young folks.
Robert L. Huffstutter
Miracles of Jesus
Thanks so much for this wonderful site, it has help me and my Wed. night class with my little is awesome:)
World War II Experiences
LOVE it. I love WWII, the history, not all the suffering that they had to go through, but I have to say, if there is going to be a WWIII, wait until I'm long gone dead please!GO 101st airborne!!! they were the ones who really helped us win the war on Nazi Germany. if it weren't for them, we would be under rule (or dead) under the Axis Powers. PRAISE THE LORD! GOD LOVES US ALL. AMEN.
just someone who loves history!

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