Comments |
Grammar Songs
What a fantastic resource - I'll definitely be using it with my
home tutor |
Thomas Jefferson
I am a substitute teacher in a public school. I really liked the material
on Thomas Jefferson. My students enjoyed it too!!
Thank u so mch 4r providing free,JESUS CHRIST MAY USE u more as for His
glory isai43:7,and extension of his kingdom and bless u abudantly.
Keyboard and Music Theory
Hi, just had a glimpse of what you have done I think that what you have
done is wonderful. I my self am a talented keyboardist and have started to
learn reading notes. Love and regards
Sulakshan |
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
wow thank you for all the wonderful ideas. May the LORD bless all the
teachers and children.
hildamarie |
Madam C.J. Walker
I really like this site and it help me do my homework.
Blue Boy by Thomas Gainsborough
I have a copy of "Blue Boy" by Gainborough- Is it worth
anything? It's been in the family for many years
Mary Lou |
Rosa Parks
freedom is verry important
michayla |
Stephen's Song
I am a Sunday school teacher and I found this page to be very helpful and a
fun way to learn about this great Christian martyr.
Angie |
Bible Stories
Thank You for this site. Keep up the good work. May God Bless us all.
You know it helps me allot for my lesson to go through well and esp. it
serve as one of my reference. From: Adrian Lloyd A. Jabagat
Adrian Lloyd A. Jabagat |
Ten Brothers
Your website really helped me for my exam. I hope you could make a page for
6th grade students too, and I hope you could make the questions a little
bit harder. thank you very much.
Alexandria Chevalier |
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
Beautiful! Creativity + commitment = Teacher who make a difference.
Thanks for sharing in this wonderful website
Teacher Educator, Malaysia |
God's Exquisite Garden Inspirational Bible Lessons
Hello Linda, my name is Imani and i just have to say it's a blessing to
have someone like you share God's Word in this way inspite of your
situation. It makes me think, "what excuse do i have?" I happen
to be looking for material to use my book that i'm writing, and
it's so happens your lessons talk about what i'm writing
about!! It's not a conincidence i stumbled to your
website!! Be blessed a lot as you bless others.
Creation of the World Song
Really love it! God gives creative abilities to those who know and
love him! Thanks you for sharing.....maybe you can do a Christmas song
too! in Christ's love Glenn
i'm in year 10, this was helpful for my history research. I'd
highly recommend it.
charlisa chake |
Keys to a Successful Marriage
am about getting maried and i need what will make my home a happy place.
thank you for the advice. really appreciate.
blessing |
George Washington Carver
Thank u 4 dis website it helped me a lot with my ag. project. <3 u
Keyboard and Music Theory
Wow i love this. And thanks to give me this things in easy way... Love u a
lot.. thanks once again...
Sumit Ansuman Roy |
The Beatitudes
This website helped me greatly. I was once sick but this website healed me
again. Praise be to the website creators
Herpy Jonah |
Stepping Up to G
Ok, so I'm a complete noob - but this site rocks. I'm challenged,
but I AM making progress. So there, to all my old music teachers!
And thank you, Mrs Stevens from the bottom of my heart.