Comments |
Keys to a Successful Marriage
Am very happy to know this just to help me make the right choice in life
and to who i will marry God bless you and i hope to enjoy my too.
Samuel Inkoom (HCI) |
Marie Curie
this is the most inspirational video i have ever seen!!!!
arnab sarkar |
The Baptism of Jesus
when was your last update?
I update the website daily.
God's Exquisite Garden Inspirational Bible Lessons
I want to thank you for your great lessons.
Connie |
Parable of the Ten Virgins
Thank you for what you are doing!
J Wallace - The Bahamas |
Rosa Parks
She was a very strong woman and didnt lose faith
riah |
Thomas A. Edison
a lot of fun! Cant believe that its so easy to read about someones
life. I feel like i know them better than myself
happy chipmunk |
I especially liked the way you have set up the questions.
Bronwen Scott-Branagan |
The Twelve Spies
thanks our Lord! i can find this web-site for our chinese kids'
church..our children missionary will be worked more effective and
dorothy |
Peter and John
I am so thankful for this sight. I use it to make my lessons more fun and
interesting for the kids in my class!! God Bless you for all you
Crystal Jenkins |
Amelia Earhart
This website was very helpful to me. I am in 6th grade and I am doing a
research project. This site was about the only one I could find that stated
Amelia Earhart's family. Thank You! :]
Breanna |
I am really empressed with this site, and to tell the truth I am almost a
60yr old man, that wishes, he knew so much more about God's Word than I
do. Thank You for all the area's you have, I hope to share it with my
Grandson and the Childrens teachers at our Church so they can use these
powerful tools you have provided. Praise JESUS !
Kim |
Thomas A. Edison
helped alot for my history day project. THANK YOU!!! XD
Kh@m .d |
John Adams
good info. every time in history we get a paper and we have to come to this
website .
Raven.S |
Albert Einstein
Tom |
Amelia Earhart
I'm in 10th Grade, this website did not help, you should really
consider posting who is responsible for the picture at the top of the page.
I had to find a new picture because I was unable to create my citation
without the name of the person who drew or took the picture of Amelia
Webmaster's note: If you had scrolled down to the bottom of the page you
would have seen the words "Picture courtesy of Wikipedia" with a link to
the page.
Art Slideshows
God Bless You for putting these together!!! I am a new
elementary art teaching for a small private Christian school and I do not
have art training...just an appreciation! I just called dickblick to
see if they have cd-roms with slideshows of artists that I can show in my
classroom, but they do not have anything for sale - just interactive games.
This is exactly what I need...on every artist (LOL)!!!
Webmaster's note"
You can contact me about a CD for your art class.
Gutzon Borglum
Sad to learn that Gutzon Borglum was a member of the KKK and invaded Siouz
territory to blast granite to Scuplt the most spectacular wonder monument
on Mount Rushmore which part of the black hills, stolen from mother nature.
A white hypocracy message for all to see. That is what I see.
Spanish for Kids
There are many online DVD and audio’s available for kids and adults.
Such synergistic DVD’s are a best way to pick up grammar. Also, you
can find many websites that offer video games to help children learn
spanish for kids |
Rosa Parks
rasa parks was a brave woman
2011 52 12 |