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Biography Slideshows
This site is not meant to be accurate - it's for homeschooling christian kids.
We DO try to be accurate at all times. If you find something that you believe is inaccurate, please let us know.

George Washington
Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much . If it wasnt for this bio i dont know what i wud've written for my report .
Sharon T
The Angelus by Jean Francois Millet
This painting is amazing to me. I chose it for a school project.
Grammar Songs
finding songs for teaching grammar and vocabulary pleased me BUTi couldn't hear or download them. dida
Send an email to patsy_AT_gardenofpraise_DOT_com and I will send the song files to you.
Pieta by Michelangelo
no abla inglis
Christopher Columbus
it helped me a lot on my work
Miracles of Jesus
Thanks for the lessons and crafts. They are most helpful to me and the Sunday school Dpt. at our church.
Bridget Fredericks
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
Thank you so much for breaking this story down. I also teach 2 to 4 year olds and breaking it down like this is a great big help..Thanks again..
M. Smith
John the Baptist
This site is such a witness to the children of tomorrows church...Thank you and God Bless !!!!
BiscoeBilly, AR
The Twelve Spies
Hmm, Didn't God punish Moses and his people for:
1.I(not god) bring you water from the stone.
2.The hebrews made a golden calf to worship Baal as Moses descended Mt Sinai with the 10 commandments. (EXODUS 34:29)
God made them wander the desert for 40 yrs, so none of the violators would live long enough to see Canaan.
Anne Frank
The Jews in Europe were being mistreated were being mistreated during World War II. In concentration camps, some people were put to death, some died from starvation, and some died from diseases. Hitler liked German people better than other people on Earth. Hitler hated Jews. He built up an army of Nazis. The Nazis took away the rights of the Jews. Anne's father, Otto, fought for Germany in world War I.
Gabrielle Rettinger
Meriwether Lewis
yay im so happy about this site, i really needed the info, it helped me, but can u add who did it and what published it? because i have to do a sitation maker

The Lewis biography was written in 2005 by Patsy Stevens. Copy this link and look here to find that information:
Rosa Parks
Thanks so much!
Keys to a Successful Marriage
The wordings are good , but what when the husband is more of side of his mom and dad and not wife and only in need of wife's money , how can this be handled and save our marriage
Rosa Parks
thanks this information is soooo HELPFUL! thanks from Kereeshma Sandhu
Abraham Lincoln
this is soooooo super gangster
Amelia Earhart
well i am in the sixth grade and im doing a report on amelia earhart and shes actully a pretty chick and this is the place to find info on the yooung butiful young women
Wilma Rudolph
i lone wilma rudolph!she is my insperation! i one day hope to be like her! i am glad that she didnt give up on her dream! without her we would have some one slower being named the "fastest woman in the world"
Harriet Tubman
This page has a lot of good information. It was very helpful! :-)
Bible Slideshows
I am a Sunday school teacher in M F M Abuja Niigeria.Your site is simply fantastic IS it downloadable?

Most things at Garden of Praise can be downloaded free of charge, but the slideshows cannot be downloaded. However can be ordered from Gospel Services

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