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Thomas Jefferson
thank this really helped on my notables project!!!!
Marie Curie
This is the PEEEEEERRRRRRRFECT WEBSITE for my school website!!!! Thankyou.
George Washington Carver
thank u so much i love this u help me wit my report
The Beatitudes
Wonderful tool. Using it this morning because it's too stormy for church. We'll have church at our house and use your resource. Thank you!
Introduction to the Keyboard
Thank God I found you!
Paul in Damascus
thank you so much God bless you!
Marie Curie
Even though I am a high school student, this was very helpful. It gave me quick to the point answers. I was able to find the information I needed in a amount of time that was very quick. Everything was here. Also, it was entertaining to read the article. Oh! and thanks for the citation help. Thanks.
Gospel Glove - The Life of Christ
Fabulous work.God Bless!
Keyboard and Music Theory
I love your website! Thanks for the lessons, Mrs. Stevens.
Gospel Train - The Life of Christ
Thank you Patty for putting Robbie's Gopel Train on e-mail. It's as wonderful as it was the first time we sat in class and she taught us how to use it. Robbie you are a blessing to all and especially me. Thank you so much for everything!
Y'Vonne Butler
Chord Progressions
Just wanted to say thank you for your website and all of its helpful info! I am very thankful to have come across it. God bless! :)
Creation of the World Song
This is great for kids to learn how God created this earth.
Martin Luther King Jr.
i am doing a paper about him its working out very good right know hope i win the prise!!
Martin Luther King Jr.
thanks!this page helps me a lot for my paper
Gospel Glove - The Life of Christ
great work
Marie Curie
I used this for my science assessment and this is very helpful!! Thanks so much ;)
Rosa Parks
she's a hero.
The Gospel Train Pre-Existence of Christ
This is really cool. I will come back to this page when I have more time. Thank you for posting this. God has gifted you with His creative creativity.
Parable of the Ten Virgins
The True Meaning of this Parable is:

First thing to understand this parable you need the spirit of the Living God.

The Parable of Ten Virgins represent a believer of Christ those five who were wise have kept their oil while waiting for the bride groom. Oil represents as the Holy Spirit of God while waiting for their bridegroom (Rapture)they have worked out their salvation with fear and trembling Phil. 2:12 by maintaining the Holy Spirit to keep burning in their hearts while the five those who were foolish were become complacent in their faith meaning they had compromised themselves in the world.They sinned and transgressed the commandments of God and their lamps had run out of oil because the Holy spirit has grieved ( Ephesians 4:30 )The holy spirit is sensitive it can pick up and discern wickedness and the spirit of God would grieve once a believer sins against the commandment of God( Reference Acts Chapter 5 Ananias and Sapphira. In James 4:4 - If any a man chooses to be a friend of this world you would become an enemy of God. Jesus said in John Chapter 3:5 -Except a man be born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God.The Conclusion of this Parable is that the 5 foolish virgins were left behind in the rapture( Matthew Chapter 24:34-42)......Keep the Holy spirit of God continue burning in your hearts that is our passport in heaven in Romans Chapter 8:9 -A man without the spirit of Christ He does not belong to Christ.......How to obtain the Holy Spirit Peter said in Acts 2:38 Repent and be Baptized everyone of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and You shall receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Read the life of Cornelius Acts Chapter 10 He is not yet saved but the angel of the Lord instructed him how to get saved.May God bless You......The most important of all is the Holy Spirit of God.......... Edit By Nick from Philippines......
The Gospel Train - 212.
I am working as Sunday school teacher.Your pages are very useful.With the help of you it's easy to teach the children.Thank you.
INirmala from Srilanka

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