Comments |
George Washington Carver
this page helped me with my readin project! thanks
brittany |
Free Children's Bible Songs
I think this is awesome. I am glad people have put this on here. :)
Emily |
Paul in Athens
I am involved in a small church sunday school and really appreciate this
resource. It will be great to use it online for our lesson
George Muller
Thank you! We just picked up a biography of George Muller this week to
begin reading. I appreciate the pictures you have added on this site to go
along with our reading.
Julie |
Christopher Columbus
good job
Benjamin Franklin
awesome this really
thank you for providing this materials, it is absolutly great to have this
resources available...thank you very much for your contribution
Ever |
Helen Keller
very helpful
Clara Barton
This is so amazing! I wish I were her.
Christhe Vreugdenhil |
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
it is excellent
astha |
Jesus Feeds the Multitude
Thank you for these wonderful lessons. Your site is truly awesome.
Sarah, Wife of Abraham
Hello Mrs. Stevens, What a pleasure to the good news on net! Really
sometimes for some reason It's not easy at all for some of us to read
the Bible regularly. Anyway I love reading about the life of these two
great people in the Bible. I learn two things very important about them.
I'll start with Abraham who in fact because of him I'am what
i'am. The Bible calls him the father of all nations, we're blessed
through him being the father of our faith. Abraham was so obedient to God
that he still believed in him for a son then went ahead to exercise his
faith by offering him for a sacrifice. Wow that's great faith one can
ever think of! Sarah on the other hand really loved her husband to an
extent of wishing him to have a son with another woman. I mean, where would
you find that? Yes from a Biblical point of view It's wrong but I hope
someone understands what I'm trying to say. I'm sure Abraham simply
did sleep with Hagar because he had total assurance form his wife that
indeed she was in agreement with him. Love does not envy but I think hers
was exceptional. Sarah had total trust, faith, love and respect for her
husband. How many Sarahs are out there? God bless you big.
Paddy |
Introduction to the Keyboard
awesome!very good
Amelia Earhart
I am in Ninth grade and barley knew anything about Amelia Earhart, and I
had to do a research project on her. This website helped me so much. Thank
you so much!
Leonard |
Rosa Parks
dear rosa you are awesome you believed in your self and fought for your
tay |
George Washington
Thanks for the info! For some reason all these websites are saying some
guy named John Hanson?!
John Hanson and seven other men each served one year terms as Presidents
under the Articles of Confederation.
George Washington was the first president under the Constitution.
Sir Isaac Newton
Thanks for the info. This was just what I needed to round out a study for
my kids.
Susan B. Anthony
I think that you should add Condelizza Rice as a famous american. However,
it was a pretty good type-up.I would verify this other paragraphs about
Susan B. Anthony.
Chinasa Dibiaezue |
Sarah, Wife of Abraham
So when the Lords says that she will be mother of nations does this maker
higher arch over Virgin Mary? Just curious since Virgin Mary is so
idolized. (very interesting). I am Christian which I understand Lord
Jesus is one to be praised.
Claudia |
Deborah Sampson
i love this sight
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