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Grammar Songs
LOVE it!!
This is something I cannot understand. What do you mean ,, King James Version,,? Who was king James? Was he around at the time of Solomon? How many versions of the bible are there?
You can go here to read in many translations of the Bible:
And this site tells more about the different translations:

God chose prophets from amongst the people to guide them. He always chose infallible people. It is abominable to suggest that Solomon worshipped idols. If what you say is correct then it suggests that God does not have a clue what He is doing. May He forgive you for such notions
No one is infallible. Jesus Christ was the only perfect person who ever lived. Some of the kings and prophets had great weaknesses.
As for Solomon, have you not read 1 Kings 11:4?
"For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father.(King James Version)

Keyboard and Music Theory
Thanks for being considerate to put 'Learning to play the piano' text for free.
Keyboard and Music Theory
Sir! I respect your contribution!! i really wanted such stuff and finally i got it here. I will always include you in my prayers.. May God bless you and give u a prosperous life..
Sharps and Flats
hello i was wondering if you could help me find the music for "dreaming with a broken heart" by john mayer one that is free and printable. for a keyboard, it has 36 white keys and 25 black keys
Go to Google search engine and put in "dreaming with a broken heart piano sheet music" and you will find several links.

Helen Keller
Hi Mrs. Stevens,
Thank you for putting together this resource. I think Helen Keller is an inspiration to everyone. I wanted to share my favorite quote of hers:
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it."

Mike Jones
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank you so Much.. From bohol, philippines.. mabuhay!
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank you so much for the pdf file. most appreciated.
Perfect resource for my VBS lesson - thanks!!
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
jus love tis site,was jus wat i had been look out for.thanku sooooooo much.
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank You have really helped me by putting this lesson up for downloading....May God bless you and your endeavors :-)
Albin John
Creation Memory Pegs
Thank you very much! God bless you!
In China church ,there are few sundayschool materials. when I found this web, it helpful for me and our sundayschool teachers!
God's Exquisite Garden Inspirational Bible Lessons
So I was on my break yesterday which started at approximately 3:38 pm, at 4:48 pm I decided to run to the rest room and get some headache medicine from a friend. I knew the time exactly because I look at the time on my phone and as I rounded the corner from my desk it had turned 4:49 pm. By the time I got back to my desk and logged back in, I started to work. I pulled up my Gmail account and notice an email sent from my JOB EMAIL, I was baffled; I felt hoodwinked, bamboozled, shocked, thrown for a loop, overwhelmed, worried, huh!, what tha!, wow. The reason I was shocked was because the email was sent at 3:48 pm. Also, I had never seen the document that was in the email before, ever. Not to mention, if I had sent the email from my work email, it would have been tagged with my name, job title, phone number, and email address; however none of that was on the email at all. I was so distraught; I called a meeting with my manager to see if anyone could have sent something from my email address without being at my desk, or logged in under my name, needless to say that was not possible. No record was in my sent box and yet there the email was; sent from me, to myself and I did not send it. I felt crazy, delusional and deranged by what I was looking at. After looking at the title of the message, I then realized that God was talking to me, He was relaying a message to me, forcing me to believe that He is God and see’s everything, that He is real, that He hears my cry, that He is still a God of miracles and can do anything, above and beyond all that we can ask for. I realized that God has a purpose for his servant. Read what this message said:
Quanjay J. Jones
Keyboard and Music Theory
Awesome service on providing these music lessions.God bless your hard work and dedication.
Selva Periannan
The Creation
love it continue making more for children and for GOD god bless to you
irene judan
Thanks for all the info, very helpful :)
Keys to a Successful Marriage
thanks for the reminder of how to treat your husband
Jochebed, mother of Moses
its a very nice resource room most especially for me as a teacher who is a student.. its very convenient to use.. it does not make you dizzy to look for a here you can find it all but may i request that can you add activities for the kids not only the coloring pages.. thank how about crafts..
I am really gratified for your teachings as a Sunday school teacher for the kids of age 7 years and below "little angels".
Am much thankful, be blessed.
Teacher Tabitha.

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