Comments |
Bible Based Spelling Lessons
I am glad this site is available to go through especially for me who is
staying in Saudi Arabia.Just as a suggestion, it would have been great if
there are questions based for each lesson as printables. Veecymole P Isaac
veecymole |
Bible Based Spelling Lessons
thank you so much for putting this all together, it is exactly what I have
been looking for!
Starr |
Bible Based Spelling Lessons
hello you are a blessing from God above. Thank-you soooo very much and
kindly for sharing you Godly wisdom with everyone especially me! i
really enjoy your site, for i am homeschooling my 17 year old son Bracy and
his curriculum calls for him to have bible classes. your site is a God
send one! continue to let God use you in all of His ways! Thanks
and again God bless you!
sharon |
Bible Based Spelling Lessons
Dear Mrs. Stevens;
Thank you!! Last week I was feeling
overwhelmed with how I'd teach our homeschool next year.
three weeks we are adding a 10 year old daughter from Ethiopia (speaks
Amharic). We will be in Ethiopia when I normally attend our homeschool
convention and get books for our other children (we have 8-one homemade and
6 3/4 adopted ;-)
God led me to your site a month ago. Today I
reopened it from a saved folder, as we needed more of our ten commandments
to print out and do. I found many ESL (English as a Second Language) helps
on your site and plenty to keep all of my homeschool children busy (and
happy!)with many wonderful educational pages to choose from.
Thank you and may God bless you for sharing all of this with us. I
really appreciate that you did.
May God richly bless you and may
the windows of heaven be open over your life.
Kimmie |
Bible Based Spelling Lessons
this page is truly an inspiration. I am a homeschooling mom of 8 and have
several different age groups and we have thoroughly enjoyed the resources
you have included for the rest of us to use. May God continue to bless and
guide you...
melisa |