The Caldecott award is given each year to the artist of the most
distinguished (the best) American picture book for children published
the previous year. The winner must be a citizen or a resident of the
United States. The artist may be the author of the book, or someone else
may have authored it. The award was first given in 1938 for
a book called Animals of the Bible, A Picture Book,
illustrated by Dorothy P. Lathrop.

Our second graders at Dallas Christian read the Caldecott books each year.
We ask Mrs. Luster, our librarian, to check all the Caldecott books out to the teachers,
and we rotate them among the classes until every child has read or looked at
every book. Each child has a checklist so he/she can record which books have
been read. The teacher reads some of the books aloud to the class and some
are available on tape. We spend about two weeks reading the books, then we
have a culminating activity. This year each child made a "sandwich board"
about his/her book. The front resembled the cover of the book and on the
back was written some information about the book. We had moms come in and
help us to get the lines drawn on the back boards for the summaries.
We used yarn to attach the boards together and had a parade to the other
classrooms in the building to tell about the books.

1957 Medal Winner: A Tree is Nice,
illustrated by Marc Simont; story by Janice Udry

1969 Medal Winner: The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship ,
illustrated by Uri Shulevitz; story retold by Arthur Ransome

1975 Medal Winner: Arrow to the Sun by Gerald McDermott

1976 Medal Winner: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears ,
illustrated by Leo & Diane Dillon; story retold by Verna Aardema

1981 Medal Winner: Fables by Arnold Lobel

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