Black History Studies

Martin Luther King Jr.

Black History Month is an annual observance in the month of February in the United States and Canada, and in October in the United Kingdom. Sometimes it is called African-American History Month. During this time teachers in our schools and homeschool parents teach their students about the contributions notable blacks have made in the world. Among their number we find scientists, educators, explorers, entrepreneurs, inventors, civil rights leaders, athletes, writers and world leaders.

A frequent question: "Who wrote these biographies and when were they written?"
Look on this Reference Citations Chart.

Black History Biographies at Garden of Praise

Barack Obama

44th President of the
United States

Martin Luther King Jr.

Civil rights leader

Matthew Henson

Arctic Explorer

Harriet Tubman

Deliverer of Slaves

Benjamin Banneker

Astronomer - Mathematician

Madam C.J. Walker


George Washington Carver

Botanist and educator

Elizabeth Keckly


Booker T. Washington

Leader and educator

Mary McLeod Bethune


Wilma Rudolph

Olympic gold medal winner

Nelson Mandela

Freedom Fighter

Frederick Douglass


Mary Ann Shadd Cary

Civil rights leader

James Forten

Inventor, abolitionist

Sojourner Truth

Former slave and abolitionist

Henrietta Lacks

Immortal Cells

Rosa Parks

Bus desegregation

Phillis Wheatley

Slave - Poet



6 Teaching Tools for Teaching Black History

Black History Month

Black History Month

Black History Month
from the Smithsonian


Biographies in this Series

Reference citations information for these biographies

Presidents of
the United States
George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe Andrew Jackson
  Martin Van Buren Abraham Lincoln Theodore Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower
  John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan Barack Obama Calvin Coolidge
American Patriots Benjamin Franklin Francis Scott Key Deborah Sampson Molly Pitcher
World Leaders Constantine Alexander the Great Winston Churchill Margaret Thatcher
Inventors Alexander Graham Bell Johann Gutenberg Cyrus McCormick The Wright Brothers Henry Ford Thomas A. Edison
  Sequoyah Nikola Tesla Michael Faraday Dean Kamen Jack Kilby Leonardo Da Vinci
  Donald O'Neal
Explorers Christopher Columbus Meriwether Lewis Robert Peary John Muir Matthew Henson Sir Edmund Hillary
  Kit Carson Johnny Appleseed Daniel Boone
Women who made
a difference
Clara Barton Helen Keller Florence Nightingale Joan of Arc Amelia Earhart Annie Oakley
  Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth Keckly Harriet Tubman Anne Frank Eleanor Roosevelt Madam C.J. Walker
  Sadako Sasaki Henrietta Lacks Malala Yousafzai      
Scientists George Washington Carver Sir Isaac Newton Marie Curie Louis Pasteur Albert Einstein Galileo
  Lise Meitner Norman Borlaug Benjamin Banneker
Educators Noah Webster Booker T. Washington Aristotle Mary McLeod Bethune
Physicians Hippocrates Walter Reed Albert Schweitzer
Religious Leaders George Muller Increase Mather
Athletes Lou Gehrig Wilma Rudolph Tiger Woods Michael Phelps
Civil Rights
Martin Luther King Rosa Parks Sojourner Truth Frederick Douglass Mary Ann Shadd Cary James Forten
  Gandhi César Chávez William Wilberforce Nelson Mandela
Composers Beethoven Mozart
Authors Laura Ingalls Wilder Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) Ernest Hemingway Greg Mortenson Phillis Wheatley
Artists John James Audubon Gutzon Borglum Ansel Adams Dale Chihuly Van Gogh Michelangelo
  Rembrandt Grandma Moses Cassatt Renoir Cezanne Rockwell


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Picture courtesy of Wikipedia.