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Abraham<BR>More pictures of Abraham
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Abram and Lot were both rich and had many animals. They decided to separate their cattle because the men who were caring for them were fighting. Abram let Lot have first choice, and Lot chose the best land. Abram took whatever was left.

God changed Abram's name to Abraham and his wife's name to Sarah. God promised to bless Abraham and give him a big family.

One day three men came to see Abraham and promised him that he and Sarah would soon have a son, even though he was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old.

Isaac was born just as they had promised. One day God commanded Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. God did not want Isaac to die, but he was testing Abraham. An angel saved the life of Isaac.

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What does this story
mean to me?

Abraham loved God very much. Because he was a righteous man in God's eyes, God told him he would be the father of many nations. In fact, Abraham's name means father of many. God made Abraham a promise that if he was faithful, he would be the father of many, even in his old age. Abraham believed and did as God told him.

God also made us a promise that if we believed in His Son, we would have an eternal home in heaven with him. Are you living a faithful life?

This story about Abraham can be found in the Bible in Genesis chapters 13, 18, 21 and 22.

Memory Verse

Sing the Verse to This Tune

I will make you in-to a great na-tion
And I will bless you;
I will make your na-me great, and
You will be a bless-ing.
I will bl-ess those who bless you,
And who-ev-er cur-ses yo-u I will curse;
And all peo-ples on earth will be blessed through you.

Genesis 12:2-3

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A frequent question:
"Who wrote this biography
and when was it written?"
Look on this Reference Citations Chart.


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Song Abraham

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Credits and Solutions

Puzzles on these pages courtesy of
Songs of Praise and Armored Penguin

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Thank you so much for this free resource. I use it for my Sunday School Class and it has really been a blessing
Thank you so much for your kindness on producing this page also in Spanish. I've been looking for 2 years for something like this. My wife & I started a ministry in the Dominican Republic and we are having more children than we would've ever imagined. I've been worry as to how to produce enough Sunday school materials to keep them interested; not anymore, thanks to your site. It will be a blessing for our young ministry and our Spanish speaking children. God bless you always..!
Orlando Sanchez
This site is such a blessing. I teach a children's class on Sunday evenings and I'm not very good at coming up with my own lessons just using the bible. I've been using this site for MONTHS!! Veryyyy good(:
I would rather stay anonymous, sorry!
I wish I had found this site a couple years ago. I homeschool our two small children ages 7 & 3, we have tried various ways to incorporate a Bible curriculum from very simple to very strict nothing works.

I found this site three weeks ago and we have been using it Monday-Thursday, it's the first subject we teach and it's been making the day go by so much smoother. The kids and even myself really enjoy it. My kids love the songs and interactive learning tools for each topic and I LOVE the free printable worksheets at the end of each topic.

We started out doing John the Baptist for four days and they learned so much that we decided we'd start from the beginning-again- so we could get everything this site has to offer. We are doing Abraham this week. We review the story, memory verse and song Monday-Thursday and each day my oldest does an interactive online tool that goes with the story and also a worksheet. Doing it this way it has opened the door to a more in depth discussion with them and they ask questions they wouldn't otherwise. My oldest, on Sunday at church, performs the new song she learned the previous week and the congregation gets the enjoyment of listening to a new song each week.

I just really love how this site incorporates Bible, Music, Art, Language arts, Memory and Spelling (alphabetical order sheet)
into EACH topic!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for freely providing this to anyone who is willing to receive.
I highly recommend this site.
I am in a process of opening a Bible School at my church, honestly, I didn't know where to look for guidance but I knew and trusted GOD that he will guide me to get the relevant material and WALA - this fantastic website- I know it will help me great dea. I thank GOD. I love it. Joyce - JHB south africa.
Joyce Semenya
thank yu so much for this free resource! as the homeschooling mother of 6 it is indeed a blessing
nicole oden
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