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Lessons on Giving

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The Widow's Gift

Mark 12:41-43

The temple was big and beautiful. Many people came there to worship God. Inside the temple were some big money boxes. People put money in them. The money was for the temple and all that was used in worship to God.

One day Jesus sat across from the money boxes. He saw many rich people put in lots of money. Then one poor woman, a widow, walked up to the boxes. She put in two small copper coins worth less than a penny.
Jesus looked at his friends. "This poor woman put in more than the rich people did," he said. "Here's why: the rich people still have much money left. But this woman only had two coins. She did not have any more money. The rich people only gave part of what they had. She gave all of what she had."

Read the story in Spanish Un Regalo de una Viuda

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The Sheep and the Goats

Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus, on another occasion, told a story about sheep and goats. He said that when he returns, he will separate people as a man would separate his sheep from his goats.

Those pleasing to God are compared to sheep. They are pleasing because they were willing to share with those who were in need. Jesus said they had given food to him when he was hungry, a drink when he was thirsty, and clothing to him when he needed it. They had visited him when he was sick and in prison.

The people didn't remember doing these things for Jesus, but he replied, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

What does this story
mean to me?

Jesus told his disciples the widow had put in more than all the others. How could this be? She only put in two coins.

Let's do the math. Suppose a man has $100. He puts in $10. He has given a tithe (10%), but he still has $90 left to provide for his family. Another man has $10,000. He puts in $1,000. He has also given a tithe, and he has $9,000 left! He can provide the necessities and some luxury items for his family.

The widow puts in two small coins. She has given 100% of her money and has nothing left to buy food. She wants to give, and she has faith that God will provide for her needs. Wouldn't it be interesting to know what happened next in the story? Do you think the woman went hungry that night? God says to put Him first, and the things we need will be provided for us. Trust Him.

Memory Verse

Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. Mark 12:43-44

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Credits and Solutions

Visit The Bread Site public domain clipart collection

Thanks to Christian Clip Art for sheep and goats image

Puzzles on these pages courtesy of
Songs of Praise and Armored Penguin

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Nice story GOD bless u all
Very good site. Thanks a lot
Santha Kumar
thank you for the wonderful Bible story materials! God bless.......
Thank You for adding the coloring page and word games. Also I really thought how you wrote the scripture was ideal for my kids that I teach. This site will really help me reach my 2nd grade girls.
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