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Esther was a Jewish girl who had been taken captive. After her parents died, she was adopted a family member, Mordecai, who raised her as his own daughter.

King Xerxes (ZERK seez) was looking for a new queen. Many young women were considered, but after a year of beauty treatments, Esther was chosen to be the new queen.

Haman was the most powerful man in the kingdom besides the king. He was an evil man who hated the Jewish people and plotted to have them killed.

Mordecai persuaded Esther to go to the king and plead for the lives of the Jewish people. She could be killed for going before him when she hadn't been called. But she was brave and went to see the king. She invited him and the evil man, Haman, to a banquet. During the meal, she revealed the plot against the Jews and accused Haman. Haman was hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai, and the Jews were allowed to defend themselves. Mordecai was honored.

Since that time Jews have remembered Esther and celebrated the Feast of Purim.

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What does this story
mean to me?

All the sufferings of the Jewish people were caused by the prejudice of Haman, the evil man who wanted them killed. Prejudice causes a person to judge and hate another person based on race, color, or some other factor. Many times families pass on their prejudices to their children, and the children learn to devalue people because of such factors.

Do you struggle with some kind of prejudices? Ask God to help you overcome this and look for the good in all people.

You can read this very interesting story of Esther in the book of Esther chapters 1-10.

Memory Verse

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

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"Who wrote this biography
and when was it written?"
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English Bible Activities Select stories #127-134 in the list for activities to accompany this Bible story.

Spanish Bible Activities Select stories #127-134 in the list for activities to accompany this Bible story.

Read and hear the story of Esther from Kids' Bible Stories

Press "Go" to search for books about Esther.
Credits and Solutions

Picture courtesy of Roberta Collier-Morales

"Triumph of Mordechai" by Pieter Lastman
courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Puzzles on these pages courtesy of
Songs of Praise and Armored Penguin

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Thank you it helped me a lot
Thanks so much for the resources on this website as a Sunday school teacher its made my lessons much more active and informative
Thank you. I am making my journey through the Bible and your sight helps me to understand.
Thank you so much!
My wife and me were looking for material about Esther and so we found your page ... and there's so much (biblestories) more ... !!!
We will make this our #1-site!
God bless you & Shalom !!!
Ralph Behnke
Our Church cannot aford Sunday school books.
Thank you for the beauty lesson we can print
out free.
Wanda C.
This page is very inspirational. I love it. I will use it for my bible club. Thank you!
Temitope O.
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