Parable of the Lost Coin
This woman is stooping down close to the floor with a candle in
She is looking for something. What can it be ? It is a piece of
silver money.
She had ten pieces that she worked for and saved up. As
she did not want
to spend them, she put them away. She thought she had
put them away
very carefully, but when she went to look at them, and
count them, and see
if they were all safe, one piece was missing! What
should she do ? Should
she sit down and say, Somebody else will find it
and hand it to me ? No,
she said, I am anxious about it, and will look
for it myself. So she got her
broom and swept the floor carefully, and
every little while she stooped
down and looked in the dark places and
corners where the broom would
not reach. We see her looking now, and
very soon she will find her lost
piece. Then how glad she will be! She
will show it to the people in the house,
and, like the shepherd with
his sheep, she will say, Come and rejoice with
me, for I have found the
piece of money.
Luke 15:8-10