Little House
in the Big Woods
Chapter 1
Vocabulary Test
Print the worksheet and
write the number of the word on the line before the definition.
_____ a wood block on which
you cut things
_____ the rind of roasted pig
_____ wandered around
_____ a northern state near
Lake Superior
_____ a bed that has wheels
and is small enough
to be rolled under another bed
_____ heaped up ashes to keep
the coals hot
_____ shortening made from the
fat of a pig
_____ empty on the inside
_____ water containing a
mixture of salt
_____ meat from the head of a
pig made
into a loaf
_____ tan or gray with darker
streaks or spots
_____ broth from boiled meat
1. brine
2. trundle bed
3. roamed
4. lard
5. banked
6. hollow
7. Wisconsin
8. cracklings
9. chopping
10. headcheese
11. brindle
12. pot liquor