Name ___________________________________

                                            Beany Goes To Camp
                                            Chapter 4 – Campout

Match the correct definition in column B with the word in column A by writing the letter in the
blank before each vocabulary word. The first one has been completed for you as an example.

Column A                               Column B

__D__campout                      A)   one who fixes hair

_____ explorer                      B)   right now, hurry up!

_____ archery                      C)   shooting a bow and arrow

_____ hairstylist                    D)   sleeping outside in a tent or sleeping bag

_____ “on the double”          E)   one who searches and hunts

Please answer the questions below.

1.  Name two reasons why Beany did not want to go on the campout. ________________________________________________________________________



2.  What trick did the boys play on the girls during the campout?




3.  What surprise happened that changed Beany’s mind about the campout? (Pg. 80)




4.   What special thing did Daisy do for Beany that made her feel as pretty as the other girls?




5.   Why did Mrs. Mueller keep asking the girls if they had fun on the campout even after they
       told her  about the rotten things that had happened?


